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( Serpentes )

Snake is one of the reptiles that does not have legs and is included in the scaly reptile (Squamata). Snakes are common in rice fields, forests, swamps, and rivers. Snakes reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous) and are usually placed in holes in the ground, holes in weathered wood, or under dry wood heaps.


In the world, there are 2,900 species of snakes with 375 species of which are venomous snakes. Several types of snake species with biased venom that are harmful to humans are the welang snake, weling snake, Javan cobra, and king cobra.

Nature of Snakes


  • Fear of humans

  • Be vigilant when you see rats

  • Leave the nest at the end of each year

  • Humid places are a favorite of snakes

  • Snakes don't like palm brooms

Control Method - Indoor & Outdoor

  • Installation of snake traps at snake entrances or places that have the potential for snake infestation

  • Manually catching “snake tong” in case of snake infestation in outdoor and indoor areas

According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), in Asia alone, there are about 4 million cases of snake bites each year. Nearly 50 percent, these venomous animal bites are left alone.


The WHO also noted that farmers, herders, hunters and children were the victims most vulnerable to snake attacks.

Recognizing Snakes And How To Deal With Them


1. Characterizes a snake that is venomous and non-venomous

Rattlesnakes can come out at any time, whereas snakes are

non-venomous only goes out in the afternoon roughly on

every 3 pm.


2. When meeting a snake, our position must be like a statue

Don't bring up any sudden movements, because it will

poses a threat to snakes.


3. When bitten by a poisonous snake

Emergency aid that we have to do is

position the bite wound lower than the position

heart, then while contacting the nearest hospital,

bandage the bite area so that it doesn't spread quickly,

then give a drink of milk or honey to the bite victim and

try to stay awake don't fall asleep.



Types of Snakes

Snakes are classified as wild animals and can be dangerous if there are venomous species

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